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Europe #1 Leader In PV Solar Production

Trends 2014 in Photovoltaic (PV) Applications, IEA PV Solar Report

IEA released the latest edition of Photovoltaic Power Systems Program report, briefing a huge quantity of different aspects of the global solar PV market in addition to country- and region-specific solar PV markets, learned from Clean Technica.

Vine Fresh Produce Project

Vine Fresh Produce Project in Strathroy, ON.

Basically, many of the charts show that China, Japan, and the US dominated new solar PV power installations in 2013, and that they also compare well (come in #2, #4, and #5) in cumulative solar PV power capacity through the end of 2013. However, if you look at solar PV electricity production relative to electricity demand in each country, you can see that European countries dominate. China and the US even come in below the global average. Japan comes in #13.

PV Contribution To The Electricity Demand 2013

Image: IEA PVPS Trends Report

In other words, China, the US, and Japan may dominate the headlines for their large solar capacity additions, but they really have a long ways to go to catch up with Italy, Germany, Greece, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Spain, Belgium, Romania, Slovakia, and Denmark.

The good news is that they are growing fast, and they have these European leaders to look up to. Europe’s success should inspire these global economic giants to hasten their solar power growth, and it should also given them the assurance that much higher penetration of solar power generation works and can be achieved right now.

Of course, every country on earth needs to increase its use of solar power a great deal. Even solar power in world-leading Italy is just at about 7.5% of its total electricity demand. Kudos to the European leaders, but don’t lose momentum now.

Sourced: GreenTech Lead and Sustainnovate.

Click and downloand the Full Report at International Energy Agency Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme (IEA PVPS)

What will this say about the average cost of solar implementation for residential consumers and users?  Will this eventually drive down the overall cost of solar?

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