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Rocket Stove Mass Heater

The Beauty and Benefits of Rocket Stove Mass Heaters

Rocket stove mass heaters have been around for over 30 years, and their growing in popularity.  A superior heating alternative to the standard wood burning stove (conventional wood stove), fireplace, electric heaters, furnaces, and with a much more creative and personalized design.

mass rocket stove

By Ernie and Erica Wisner, more photos: plus.google.com

Some quick highlights and benefits of rocket stove mass heaters:

  1. Zero Carbon Footprint
  2. Exhaust is virtually nothing more then steam and CO2
  3. Utilizes 80 to 90 percent less wood (fuel)
  4. Contained heat can last for days
  5. Average build cost under $50.00
  6. Projected build time less then 2 days (average handy person)
Rocket Stove animated file

Animated demo of rocket stove mass heater


Material Lists for building basic Rocket Heaters

  • Fire Bricks
  • Stove pipe or furnace duct work (straight lengths and flex elbows)
  • High temperature thermometer
  • 30, 50 or 55 Gallon Drum (size depends on size of heater being built)
  • Sand, Clay and Perlite
  • Straw (for cob) Great article on making and building with cob.  Making Cob 101

Most of these materials should be able to be located either for cheap from local scrapyards, recyclers, or hardward stores.

Great video on Rocket Stoves from Green Energy Futures:


Diagram of Rocket Stove combusion

Diagram of Rocket Stove combustion by Nicodemus

Some great resources for more information on Rocket Stove Mass Heaters, and constructions check out the following sites:

Ernie and Erica Wisner – Building plans, pictures and science behind rocket stoves

Paul Wheaton – permaculture articles and forum, DIY solutions on Rocket Heaters, videos, and more

Inspiration Green – Great resource, information, and guides

Other designs and uses of heaters:

Winter Green-house with Mass Rocket Heater

Winter Green-house with Mass Rocket Heater


Cob finished rocket stove

Courtesy of Jurred.ee

Rocket Stove with stainless drum

Image for Firespeaking.com


Click to see more Unique and Beautiful Rocket Stove layouts and designs

Some Helpful Books on Mass Rocket Heaters


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  1. hello! I’m looking for a good forum on RSMH .. Can you suggest a forum.
    Peace and Happiness, Petra

    1. Hi Petra,

      If you are ever on Facebook may I suggest checking out the following fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/RocketStoveScience you will have to ignore the “F” word in the site title, but they seem to have valid content, and helpful information.

      1. One more option on the Facebook side of things is the following group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/502734133080025/
        I am a member and follow both. Hope this helps.

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